Let Peace Prevail
13. Let Peace Prevail (Mo Mack, Myckle Mirth Music, BMI)
I was aiming to write a song that people of all creeds, religions, and nationalities could sing together and feel in agreement over. The chorus came easily, but the verses were more difficult and went through numerous changes. I believe that singing is very much akin to prayer, and if we could get a whole lot of us singing this song together, I believe it would help. It certainly couldn’t do any harm. How ‘bout during halftime at the Super Bowl?
It took me two years to gather the 17 languages that join in to close the song. Most are native speakers, and my sincere thanks and love to each of them. Here is a list of the languages and the singers, in the general order of their appearance. Latin (Shuly Nathan AKA Miriam Weiss), Zulu (Obed Norman), Japanese (Takato Nagata, Sarah Hiramatsu, Ichiro Nakamura, & Yuko Kaneko), Dutch (Bonita Sillem), Hindi (Mike McClellan), Farsi (Reza Gozly), French (Eva Korzybska), Hebrew (Shuly Nathan AKA Miriam Weiss), Russian (Lama Somananda, Melissa Panopolis, & Alexander Rykov), Indonesian (Iesje Bakar), KiKongo (Charles Lusanda Matomina), Polish (Fardiya Butterfield & Lydia Orlowski), Chinese (Jingzhen Yang), Hawaiian (Mika’ele McClellan), Spanish (Pedro Delano & Rachmat Becker Rudloff), German (Ariella Schuler-Synek) and Lakota Sioux (John Braveheart). I tried to collect languages that dotted the globe, and make sure that all major land masses were represented. I simply could not include every language, so if your language is not here, I beg your forgiveness. Each language has a different way to say “Let Peace Prevail Throughout the World.” If you’re interested, you’ll find more information including the exact phrases that are being sung, and their translations back into English on my website at www.momack.com.
Mo Mack: voice, electric guitar, & lead guitar; Lewis Ross: guitars, bass & keyboards; Brian Davis: drums; John Boelling, tenor harmony; Suzi Stern & Lewis Ross: background vocals; Jerry Yester: background vocal arrangement