You’re Not Alone
(written by Mo Mack and Jon Batson) Bass: Mo Mack; Electric Guitars: Eli Dokson; Harmony Vocal: Rebecca Loebe and Mo Mack
After we wrote it, this song never made it into my personal playlist, though I always liked it. One day a couple of years ago, a yellowed, old lead sheet of this song just kind of fell out of a bunch of various papers and landed in front me on my desk. I began to ask myself why I didn’t embrace this song, and with a new review from the distance of decades since it was written, I realized “I hate the bridge!” I re-wrote the bridge into something much stronger (I think) and fiddled with some pronouns in the verses, and matched it with a blues lick that I had developed for my version of a certain Bo Diddley song, and voila! I enjoy playing and singing it now. Thanks to Rebecca Loebe for coming up with her marvelous background harmony.